Suffix S

Learning to read short words with suffix -s is very empowering for students. If you’re a first grade teacher, you’ve more than likely been working on reading three letter CVC (consonant-vowel-consonant) words for a while such at cat, pig, and top. When your students finally get to practice reading four letter words with suffix s, it is a rewarding accomplishment. Luckily, learning to read suffix -s is a pretty straight-forward phonics concept.

How To Teach Suffix S

I like to explain to students how to read words with suffix s first (the phonics part) and then I talk about what suffix s means. 

Teach Reading Words With Suffix S

I explain to students that suffix s comes at the end of a word and can make two sounds, the /s/ and /z/ sound, and then I provide ample opportunities to practice. I emphasize reading the base word first and then the whole word with the suffix s. I also ask students after every word we read if the s is making the /s/ sound or the /z/ sound. If you want an engaging way to explain the two sounds suffix s makes, you can use our multi sensory video on YouTube to help students practice reading words with suffix s. Feel free to pair the video with my FREEBIE suffix-s worksheet to make it a complete no prep ELA lesson.

Suffix s worksheet with single and multiple pictures representing singular and plural. Students trace and circle the word that matches the pictures.

Teach Suffix S Meaning

Lastly, I talk about what suffix s means and I explain that when the letter s comes at the end of a word, it means more. I even personify suffix s and call it, Suffix S, the superhero! I share that Suffix S is very giving and loves to bring more of everything. I have a video for that, too! In this video, Suffix S, the superhero, turns singular words to plural by bringing more of everything: more cats, more bugs, and even more dollar bills. It’s a really cute and fun way to illustrate the meaning of adding suffix s to make plural nouns. 


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