Substitute Teacher Tips

Hello my fellow subs! If you’re looking for the best substitute teacher tips, you’re in the right place. Below I give you answers to the most asked substitute teacher questions and give you tips on how to not only survive but thrive in the classroom. 

Substitute Teacher Tip #1: How do you quiet a noisy class?

It’s a lot easier to prevent a class from getting too noisy than it is to quiet a noisy class. By clearly setting up voice level expectations at the beginning of class, you can prevent a class from getting too loud. I like to model to students what is too loud and what is just right and acknowledge them for good behavior. Saying things like, “Thank you for using an inside voice so and so” or “Look at so and so paying attention, awesome job!” goes a long way. Help students behave appropriately by modeling and praising what you want to see. 

Nonetheless, a classroom full of students will inevitably get noisy from time to time. When this is the case, the first thing you want to do is use an attention-getter. An attention-getter is when you say/ chant/ do something and the students respond to it. My go-to attention getter is chanting, “If you can hear me clap once” and then I praise, praise, praise. “Great job, Bobby. I see Natalie is also paying attention. Thank you, Natalie. Oh, Bryan is on-task, he’s repeating after me. Thank you, Bryan! Let’s try this again. If you can hear me clap twice.” Sooner than later, you will get the majority of the class to listen. 

Substitute Teacher Tip #2: What is in your substitute teacher bag?

My sub bag is pretty light! The only thing I bring with me besides my sub badge is a hand puppet, an Italian chef. All the students know him as Nuciello from Napolini. I use him as a reward for positive behavior in the classroom and the students absolutely love it! Am I telling you to bring a hand puppet to class? Not really, unless you like them. What I’m saying is, I don’t believe in having to spend a ton of money on rewards like stickers and food. Instead, find what you’re good at or enjoy and bring that to class. Is there an instrument you enjoy playing? Bring it to class and play it! Are you into yoga? Bring your yoga mat and teach the students some poses. The students love when teachers humanize themselves. Find what you’re good at and use that as a reward.  

Substitute Teacher Tip #3: How do you deal with the one disruptive student as a substitute teacher?

Give them options! Usually students who are disruptive are used to adults telling them what to do. Switch things up by giving them a sense of control and giving them choices when they are showing defiance. If a student is struggling to line up, try asking them if they’d rather be the line leader or the caboose? If a student is refusing to do work, ask them if they want to do the odd problems or even problems. Choices are a powerful tool for combating misbehaviors. 

Substitute Teacher Tip #4: What are your top reinforcers for good behavior?

One word, games! Games are incredibly rewarding for children, free to you, and can be used as a reward over and over. Make sure you check out my YouTube video below ‘Substitute Teacher Tips’ for the exact games I play and how I play them with the class. 

Substitute teaching can be rewarding, calm, and even fun once you find your groove and figure out a way to manage difficult behaviors. 

If you’d like the complete guide to how to be the perfect substitute teacher, make sure to check out my course, now available on Teachable.

Substitute 101:

Want more tips? Check out my blog on substitute teacher tips – part 1:


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